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Terms of purchase

As the products consist of electronic services, all products are free of shipping.

Zenesty Consulting AB reserves the right to final sales, delays, technical problems, shifting of release dates and incorrect price or item information. Zenesty Consulting AB reserves the right to price changes without prior notice. In addition, we reserve the right to cancel orders. By registering an account or placing an order in the Store, the terms of purchase are accepted.

Prices and payment
The prices of our products are stated in Swedish kronor or in another selected currency including VAT. The price that was current at the time of ordering is the one that applies regardless of whether the price goes up or down afterwards. At checkout you can see the total price including VAT and any shipping costs. In collaboration with Stripe, we offer card payment (Visa, MasterCard and American Express).

Deliveries of ordered services are specified under the respective service or electronic product. Once your order has been shipped from us, you will receive a delivery notification emailed to you. We do our best to deliver as quickly as possible but sometimes delays may occur. We therefore do not guarantee delivery by a certain day and always reserve the right to delays.

Provided that nothing else has been agreed in connection with your order, you can cancel an existing order. Contact us at and we will help you!

Right of withdrawal and return
As a customer, you always have a 14-day right of withdrawal (calculated from the time you received the product) according to the law on distance contracts and contracts outside fixed business premises. You have no right of return on online services such as coaching via video visit.

Personal Information
Processing of personal data takes place in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

To shop via the Store, your browser must be set to accept cookies. Cookies are used to give you as a visitor access to various functions on the website, for example the shopping cart and in the technical communication with third-party services. The cookie does not contain any personal information. Cookies are also used to store non-personal aggregated visitor statistics in analysis tools that the store uses to improve the user experience. By navigating the website, you give your consent to the handling of cookies as described above. The cookie is stored on your computer until you delete it yourself. If you want to avoid the storage of cookies, you can turn off the function in the browser. However, this means limitations in the website's functionality.

We reserve the right for possible printing errors and outgoing goods or services.

Safe with us
We follow the Act (2005:59) on distance contracts and contracts outside business premises, as well as the recommendations of the Swedish Consumer Agency and the General Complaints Board. We hope that you will feel safe and comfortable as a customer with us. You are always welcome to contact our customer service with questions about orders, conditions or products.

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