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Get a unique and beneficial experience by taking advantage of the powerful combination of reiki, healing and mediumistic guidance at a discounted price.

Michael Zenesty

Get a unique and beneficial experience by taking advantage of the powerful combination of reiki, healing and mediumistic guidance at a discounted price. By combining energy balancing and intuition, you can achieve a deeper understanding of your life and soul. Reiki healing helps clear blockages and promote healing on all levels, while mediumship guidance provides insights and guidance from a higher realm. This combination can give you a stronger and more balanced energy and guidance through life's challenges and opportunities. Explore this unique offer and discover the power that lies within you with the help of both reiki healing and mediumistic guidance at a favorable price.


15-20  min inledande samtal via möte per telefon eller Zoom
40-45 min Reiki healing på distans
30 min Medial vägledning via möte per telefon eller Zoom

Reiki behandling
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Available online

Kombo - 90 min Distans

1 hr 30 min • SEK 1,200

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